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- 132Jumlah Pelajar
- 3Jumlah Sesi
- Oct 26, 2015Aktif Sejak
- United StatesLokasi
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Anna Miranda began her spiritual journey at the age of 16 after a profound spiritual awakening and near death experience. Since her experience she has dedicated her life to to the study of metaphysics. She is a teacher of metaphysics, a certified Hypnotic Intuition Specialist, a Master Shift Instructor, a motivational speaker, an interfaith minister, an End of Life doula, a psychic medium, medical intuitive, energy healer and intuitive coach for the past 15 years and specializes in karmic assessment and soul contract readings. She is trained in hypnosis, EFT(emotional freedom techniques), Usui...
Pengalaman dan Perbezaan
Anna Miranda has been an intuitive coach for the past 15 years and specializes in mediumship, karmic assessment and soul contract readings. Her company The Science of Intuition and Self Discovery is dedicated to educating people in the intuitive arts. She provides intuitive training classes and mentorship in metaphysical sciences as well as energy healing arts.